About Us

Our Mission

ComputerDriving® was formed in 2014 with a clear mission to spread understanding and demystify technology to anyone who sought out help. ComputerDriving® is a unique method of teaching one-to-one at a computer (including tablets i.e. iPads) where the student is ‘in the driving seat’ or in charge of their own device.

Our Instructors are trained to use the correct vocabulary to describe what the student can see and what they need to do to ‘drive their computer’ where they would like to go.

Full Training Provided

Accelerated training course from the Tomtie Tutorial Framework. 


I wish to convey my sincere thanks to you and your team for all that they provide for our Residents in the Computer Sharing Centre.

The ethos of enjoyable learning in a one-on-one situation, is such that it has encouraged many of them to overcome their fears in dealing with technology, which is for a great many of our Residents, a daunting new enterprise.

To see so many now utilising the plethora of on-line facilities available to them and re-engaging with friends and family in remote locations, is a real joy. Moreover, attending the Computer Sharing Centre has provided them the opportunity to meet with other Residents in a shared learning experience, and many new friendships have developed from this association.

It is very easy when a facility works as smoothly, efficiently and effectively as the Computer Sharing Centre does, to forget the enormous amount of effort and expertise that it requires to make it so, so once again, on behalf of our Residents, thank you to you and your team.

Bill Heelan, Administration Officer, Morden College

I would just like to express my appreciation for the Computer Sharing facility available to us residents.  This is very much appreciated. 

Coming as I did from Zimbabwe at a time of political turmoil, it has been invaluable to me to be able to keep in touch with my family back in Harare.  This I have done through the Computer Sharing Centre, having first of all attended the one-on-one lessons made available to us, whereby I received instruction in the use of the computers. Apart from news from home and family, this has enabled me to receive photographs and other attachments which would not have otherwise been available to me.

Please therefore convey my sincere gratitude to all those who run this centre and provide the courses of instruction. Their time and effort is much appreciated.

M. O’Shea